SEN Policy for St. John’s Business and Enterprise College.
General Statement
This school believes that every pupil has an entitlement to develop their full potential. Educational experiences are provided which develop pupils’ achievements and recognize their individuality. Diversity is valued as a resource which supports the learning of all. The school recognizes the child’s right to a broad, balanced, relevant and challenging curriculum which is appropriate to their individual abilities, talents and personal qualities.
The school aims to:
- To identify at the earliest opportunity all pupils who need special consideration to support their physical, social, emotional, communication or cognitive development.
- To ensure, wherever possible, that these pupils are given appropriate support to allow every pupil access to the National Curriculum in a positive framework.
- To strive to involve parents, pupils and others in developing a partnership of support.
- To provide a broad , balanced and suitably differentiated curriculum relevant to pupil needs, through all staff sharing responsibility for SEN.
- Identify barriers to learning and participation and provide appropriately to meet a diversity of needs.
- Work in partnership with parents/carers in supporting their child’s education.
- Recognize, value and celebrate pupils’ achievements, however small.
- To work in partnership with the pupils’ parents and other external agencies to provide for the pupils’ special educational needs.
- To regularly review the policy and practical arrangements to achieve best value.
Role of the Coordinator
The Learning Support Coordinator is responsible for:
- The daily implementation of the school SEN policy
- Liaising with and advising teaching staff and CA on SEN matters.
- Managing Classroom Assistants
- Coordinating the provision for pupils with SEN
- Overseeing the records of all pupils with SEN
- Contributing to the inservice training of staff
- Liaison with parents and external agencies.
All teachers are also responsible for meeting the needs of all pupils in their class.
All members of the school community work towards the schools aims by:
- Using school procedures for identifying, assessing and making provision for pupils with special educational needs
Inclusive Provision
Although all classes are generally of mixed ability, some subjects are set if the timetable allows. In these cases, class teachers have the flexibility to set smaller ability groups, within their class or year group. Additional “in class” support is available in many classes, which is provided by 3 classroom assistants. This additional support is targeted at individual pupils and small groups of pupils for their basic literacy, numeracy, communication skills and behavioural difficulties.
Identification, assessment and provision.
In order to provide effective learning opportunities for all pupils there are 3 principles
- Setting suitable challenges
- Responding to pupil’s diverse needs
- Overcoming barriers to learning.
The Code recognizes four broad areas;
- Communication and Interaction[Language and Autistic Spectrum Disorder]
- Cognition and Learning [General Learning and Specific Learning difficulties.]
- Physical and Sensory
- Behavioural, Emotional and Social.
Assessment of pupils’ learning needs will take into account information from a wide range of sources including:
- Primary school records
- Parents
- Subject teachers
- Key Stage Results
- Standardised Tests
- Pupil Discussion
- Internal School examinations
All pupils are tested on year of intake in Numeracy and Literacy skills. CATS are given in Year 8 and Year 10 and put on the C2K system for staff to avail of.
School Action.
The class teacher , in consultation with the Learning Support Coordinator, makes appropriate arrangements for differentiating the curriculum and providing additional support for the pupil. Clear targets are set with a date for review.
School Action Plus
If there is inadequate progress at School Action, the class teacher in conjunction with the L.S.C., will assess the pupil’s difficulties. A new IEP will usually be devised. This will involve the support and advice of outside agencies such as EWO, WELB Psychology service, NSPCC, Behavioural Support Team, Rivendell Child and Adolescent Service, Social Services.
Parents are kept informed . This partnership and the exchange of information with external agencies is particularly important in order that the needs of the majority of pupils with SEN are met effectively.
Evaluating Success.
The success of the school’s SEN Policy and Provision is evaluated through:
- Monitoring of classroom practice by SMT and LSC
- Analysis of pupil tracking data and test results by the class teacher and LSC.
for individual pupils.
For cohorts
- Value added data for pupils on the SEN Register
- Twice termly school based reviews [MAST Meetings]
- The School Development Plan
- School Evaluation using a variety of approaches.
Any complaint regarding the SEN Policy or the provision made for pupils with special educational needs should be addressed in the first instance to the class teacher. If parents need further advice they are welcome to arrange a meeting with the LSC.If they still feel that their needs are not being met, they should make an appointment to see the head teacher.
External Support Services.
There is regular liaison and exchange of information between the LSC and the services mentioned previously.
Partnership with Parents.
We aim to promote a culture of cooperation with parents and the school. We will do this through:
- Ensuring all parents are aware of the school’s arrangements for SEN including the opportunities for meetings between parents and the LSC
- Involving parents as soon as a concern has been raised. This may be done at a parent teacher meeting or by personal appointment with the class teacher.
- Supporting parent’s understanding of external agency advice and support.
- Holding Annual Reviews for pupils with Statements of SEN.
Pupil’s Voice
Pupils are encouraged to participate in their learning by:
- Being involved in target setting and identifying teaching and learning strategies that work for them
- Considering their views.